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Documents and publications

This document presents GFDRR's approach, progress made and strategic direction towards adaptation support and disaster risk reduction. It illustrates some concrete examples of various types of projects: (i) economic vulnerability and disaster risk

Policies and plans

The strategy aims at outlining a vision, strategic priorities and core areas of implementation for disaster risk reduction in the Arab region, as well as to enhancing institutional and coordination mechanisms, and monitoring arrangements to support the

Turkey ruins photo by flickr user michele_hayslett, creative commons Attribution 2.0 Generic  (CC BY 2.0)
Istanbul, the city that in recent years has paid the highest number of victims to floods, will host on 15-17 February an important workshop on the risk of floods organized by the 5-million EU-funded Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters (PPRD South)...
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters
Around 30 civil protection emergency management officers gathered in Split last week to learn methodologies and tools for planning in advance how to best manage potential emergencies and prepare for catastrophes...
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters
Documents and publications

Arab human development report research paper series:

This report aims to present a comprehensive desk review and mapping exercise for an overview of the impact of climate change on the Arab region. It presents an assessment of projected impacts

50 experts in earthquake emergency management from the Civil Protection Authorities, other ministries and organisations in Turkey, the Mediterranean and Western Balkan countries to participate in the event...
National Civil Protection Department
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters
National civil protection authorities of the 27 EU member states and the 14 Mediterranean and Balkan programme partner countries to meet in Malta to make a mid-term review of the actions carried out by the PPRD South Programme and endorse the proposed 2011 workplan...
National Civil Protection Department
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters
Documents and publications

This document provides broad generic steps for mainstreaming environment and drylands issues into national development frameworks, as well lessons drawn from various countries on environment and drylands mainstreaming. It demonstrates that by prioritizing

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