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Documents and publications
This paper explains the excess rainfall parametric insurance product of the CCRIF and Swiss Re Excess Rainfall, which helps to mitigate the short-term cash flow problems small developing economies suffer after major natural disasters.
Guyana faces the effects of climate change and has realised the increasing need for an efficient hydro-meteorological operating center and multi-hazard early warning systems which are important tools in disaster risk reduction management...
Guyana - government
Documents and publications

This document presents a review of current and planned adaptation action in in the Caribbean, covering the countries of Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint

Documents and publications

This review provides an inventory of country-level adaptation activities and a summary of key adaptation priorities, based on documents like the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s National Adaptation Programs of Action and National Communications

'The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States is developing a harmonised protocol ensuring that all general Disaster Management components are considered including environmental and gender issues', said one participant, a 26-year disaster management specialist...
SKNVibes, Inc.
Documents and publications

This booklet provides a snapshot of some of the preliminary results of the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) study. In an easy-to-understand manner using graphs, maps and diagrams, the booklet presents the following: ECA methodology Preliminary

A call for tourism dependent nations in the Caribbean to examine better ways of planning for disasters in the region has been made at the launch of a National Stakeholders Meeting and Regional Monitoring and Evaluation System for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Caribbean Tourism Sector...
Daily Observer, Observer Publications Limited
Policies and plans

A declaration, adopted by 19 climate vulnerable countries, reaffirming the commitment by climate vulnerable countries to focus on adaptation, particularly in the short term in order to minimise immediate danger, and calling on developed countries to

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