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18 countries around the Indian Ocean Rim will participate in an ocean-wide tsunami exercise on 14 October to coincide with World Disaster Reduction Day. The exercise will for the first time test and evaluate the effectiveness of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS)...
United Nations News Centre
Migration as an adaptive measure: Mohamed Nasheed, president of the Maldives, has spoken openly about moving all 370,000 residents to another country if, as looks likely, rising waters cover the islands, most of which are less than 1.5m above sea level...
The New Humanitarian
Documents and publications

This thematic review report on urban risk reduction in Asia was prepared by the Asia Regional Task Force on Urban Risk Reduction (RTF-URR) in the context of progress review in the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action. It reviews the status of

Documents and publications

This user-friendly handbook provides an overview of several 'natural' disasters that occurred in the world in 2007, and contains good practices submitted by ADRC member countries to share knowledge among relevant stakeholders in order to contribute to

Documents and publications

This report provides a review of the economics of climate change in the Southeast Asian region. It confirms that the region is highly vulnerable to climate change and demonstrates that a wide range of adaptation measures are already being applied.


Documents and publications
This user-friendly handbook provides an overview of several 'natural' disasters that occurred in the world in 2006.
Documents and publications

This user-friendly handbook provides an overview of several 'natural' disasters that occurred in the world in 2005, and contains good practices submitted by ADRC member countries to share knowledge among relevant stakeholders in order to contribute to

Documents and publications
This book, consisting of two parts, the theory of Total Disaster Risk Management (TDRM) and good practices for disaster risk management, was compiled for the purpose of promoting TDRM as a comprehensive approach to disaster risk reduction worldwide.

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