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Documents and publications

Editors: Marcus Moench and Ajaya Dixit

This book provides initial insights from an ongoing ISET programme on disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change in South Asia. The study is being undertaken in the Nepal Tarai, Eastern Uttar Pradesh

6.0 earthquake seismograph, Japan 26Nov07, photo by Bill McKay, creative commons attribution-noncommercial 2.0
Political inaction, poor decisions and bad management have helped to turn South Asia into the world’s most disaster-prone region, says Oxfam International in a study just released...
Oxfam International Secretariat
Documents and publications

There is national policy and strategy for disaster reduction, particularly there is a Federal Flood Commission at Islamabad which is responsible for policy making, planning and coordination with
different provinces and agencies for implementation of the

'What happens when a school really lets its pupils down: when the walls collapse sideways and the heavy tiled roof pancakes down in a couple of seconds? ...'
Guardian, the (UK)
Documents and publications

A fully illustrated book Real Risk offers perspectives, case studies and analysis on disaster risk reduction and mitigation in the light of major natural disasters that have occurred since the publication of Know Risk in early 2005. It brings together the

Documents and publications

Good practices and lessons learned:

This publication is part of ongoing efforts facilitated by the UNISDR secretariat to build a global partnership for mainstreaming gender issues into the disaster risk reduction process. Such efforts have become urgent

Documents and publications
This document presents the proceedings of the special session which had two main themes in the context of the ICCROM/World Heritage Centre partnership, to promote the integration of the traditional knowledge systems into risk management strategies.
Documents and publications
This report is a compilation of case studies and grapples with the crucial question of merging disaster management education into the broader agenda of education for sustainable development.

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