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Documents and publications

Working paper 1: country by country vulnerability to climate change:

This report provides information on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in relation to their population size, reliance on certain sectors, vulnerabilities to climate change, and

Documents and publications

The year 2008 has seen significant global humanitarian challenges ranging from devastating natural disasters, escalating food and oil prices to worsening conflict situations. In recent decades, the number and severity of natural disasters has increased

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are forced to flee their homes to escape war or natural disasters. Displaced within their own country and having lost loved ones, livelihoods and belongings, they face terrible hardships....
The New Humanitarian
Documents and publications

In English

It is generally acknowledged that, in Africa, poverty, the lack of development, high population density, environmental degradation, diseases, poor governance, wars, conflicts, violence and other such threats are underlying factors that

Documents and publications

This document reports a vulnerability assessment of the Nyiragongo volcano crisis at Goma undertaken for the World Health Organisation (WHO), based on an analysis of the impact of the eruption on January 17/18, 2002. The relatively small loss of life in

Documents and publications

This publication presents case studies from all over the world about the inputs of women management of natural resources and their impact in the combat against desertification.

Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

Documents and publications

The Convention opens an important new phase in the battle against desertification, but it is just a beginning. In particular, governments are regularly reviewing the action programmes. They also focus on awareness-raising, education and training, in both

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