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A regional project to strengthen flood and drought management and early warnings in the Volta Basin has been selected by the Adaptation Fund portfolio monitoring mission in order to highlight implementation experience that will benefit future projects.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Documents and publications
Collecting experiences of humanitarian-development-peace nexus approaches. Case studies in DRC, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Mali, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Uganda, Sahel, Palestine, Afghanistan, Colombia and Iraq.
Documents and publications
This report is an assessment of progress at the regional level and in West Africa against the ‘African Union Programme of Action for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in Africa’.
Landscape of Climate Finance in Burkina Faso
Documents and publications
This report, part of the State of Climate Finance in Africa series, provides a deep dive analysis of tracked climate finance in Burkina Faso in 2019/2020.
Documents and publications
This report shares inspiring stories of epidemics that didn’t happen, or whose impact was lessened, because of careful planning and swift strategic action.
Documents and publications
This brief focuses on how climate change acts as a threat multiplier, worsening the existing risks and vulnerabilities to hunger for already disadvantaged people, particularly women, agricultural workers, and small-scale farmers.
Cover and title of publication
Documents and publications
This study examines the evolving trends for temperature and precipitation, future water availability and the country’s suitability to grow crops under different climate change scenarios in Burkina Faso.
Two Sudanese women working on the fields.
This year’s World Meteorological Day, emphasised the importance of early action and early warning systems for impact-based forecasting – a focal point for NORCAP’s climate services experts.
Norwegian Refugee Council

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