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Documents and publications
This study aims to assess the impact of urbanization and deforestation on river flooding in Cap-Haïtien by applying the hydrological model Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and the hydrodynamic model Sobek-Rural.
Documents and publications
To gain a deeper understanding of the role of CDRFI in the Asia-Pacific region, WFP undertook a study to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of various macro-level instruments to support government disaster response.
Documents and publications
In this framework, FAO has developed a Compendium of experiences and good practices from focus countries, namely Bangladesh, Guatemala, the Niger and Zimbabwe.
Promoting South-South Cooperation: Building Bridges between the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean
The Caribbean and the Indian Ocean Island States are among the most disaster-prone regions globally, facing hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Their size, limited resources, and geographical isolation amplify these challenges.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Africa
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean
Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
Barbados - government
University of the West Indies - St. Augustine, the
Documents and publications
This desk study aims to bridge pastoralist knowledge, local practices, and external interventions by synthesizing literature on pastoral knowledge and practices from the Greater Horn of Africa, Sudano-Sahel regions, and beyond.
Documents and publications
This policy brief addresses the critical challenge of climate change adaptation in Somaliland, where the impacts of climate change have led to severe social, economic, political, and ecological consequences.
Documents and publications
In 2022, the pilot of an anticipatory action framework in Niger, demonstrated that acting early – before people experienced a drought’s full impact – enabled them to preserve land, save livestock and avoid negative coping strategies.
A man cooling himself off under a water pipe in Bajgladesh.
Between May 2023 and May 2024, almost everywhere in the world endured a record number of extreme heat days – some had hundreds. Climate change was responsible for adding, on average, 26 days to a place’s extreme heat day tally.
Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre

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