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A new project addresses catastrophic impacts of climate change by promoting improved land-use practices, while addressing poverty, hunger and migration.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
El cambio climático está emergiendo como un potente motor para la migración interna.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Documents and publications

The case study reveals the complementarity of risk prevention and risk reduction. Physical adaptation investments are key to adapt to climate change. However, not all risks can be avoided. Additional financial adaptation measures such as climate risk

Documents and publications

This report considers how political economy analysis can be used to understand the drivers, dynamics and implications of internal displacement for development processes. It provides a synthesis of empirical research carried out through four case studies

Documents and publications

La movilidad humana asociada a, o derivada de los desastres y efectos adversos del cambio climático viene recibiendo un interés importante en los últimos años en Centroamérica. Este informe contribuye a un mayor conocimiento de la evidencia sobre la

The US is providing $310 million in increased assistance to the Northern Triangle, including $255 million in assistance to meet immediate and urgent humanitarian needs.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Documents and publications

El presente trabajo de investigación describe los procesos llevados a cabo para poder desarrollar un diagnóstico de los impactos generados a raíz del cambio climático en: niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNA); diferenciados por género en El Salvador. La

La ciudad de San Salvador se levantó a los pies del volcán del mismo nombre, y el riesgo de deslizamientos que causan tragedias está siempre presente.
Inter Press Service International Association

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