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In France where the faults are close to the coast, it might take only 10 to 15 minutes for a tsunami to reach the Riviera, a region that also has very crowded beaches from May to October.
University of Rhode Island
After living through the hottest summer on record in 2022 and a prolonged drought, France is now preparing for a future where extreme weather could become commonplace.
In drought-hit western France, conflict between farmers and environmentalists is growing over new irrigation reservoirs
Almost 90 cities issued heat alerts in the extreme weather over the summer of 2022, according to the United Nations Environment Programme. But cities are learning to tackle extreme heat – sometimes with ingenious solutions.
World Economic Forum
People sitting during a hot day
Carbon Brief reveals visually just how much the world’s most populous regions have been affected by extreme heat since 2013.
Carbon Brief
Cover CSS ETH Zuerich
Documents and publications
This CSS Risk and Resilience Report provides a comparative analysis of national risk assessments. Specifically, it compares the assessments made by nine European countries and Swiss Re respectively of five types of cross-​border risks.
Xynthia was a perfect storm of hurricane-force winds, surging seas and driving rain that smashed into the western coasts of France and Spain overnight, wreaking havoc as far inland as Germany.
Swiss Re analysis shows that the frequency of costly hail events in France is underestimated in existing industry benchmarks, suggesting that adjustments to insurance risk assessment and pricing are needed
Swiss Reinsurance Company (Swiss Re)

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