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Documents and publications
This desk review aims at evaluating gender-responsive disaster preparedness and recovery efforts in the nine CFR Caribbean countries.
Documents and publications
The disaster risk reduction (DRR) - PFM (public financial management) review focuses on five key elements of the PFM system in Grenada.
Documents and publications

This report aims to provide an overview of the gender and climate resilience nexus in the Caribbean and provide gender-inclusive recommendations for climate resilience programmes in the region. This report has been developed within the context of the

Documents and publications

National disaster management agencies in the Caribbean are overcoming challenges to the implementation of effective emergency preparedness and response systems. The Caribbean region is confronted with an increasing number of devastating storms and extreme

UNICEF's Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office and CDEMA signed a MoU to co-operate on the development of more resilient communities.
United Nations Children's Fund - The Americas and Caribbean Regional Office
Documents and publications

With the example of Grenada, Jamaica, Mozambique and Tajikistan, this report of the Climate Investment Funds (CFI) is about how can PPCR support developing countries to upgrade and modernize their weather and climate information services (WCIS).


Documents and publications

This study assesses the flood protection benefits of reefs for protecting the most vulnerable people in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Grenada. It aims to support work on nature-based defenses and insurance by testing approaches for assessing

World Bank: US$20m for Grenada to reduce disaster risks, including contingent financing in case of disasters and support for the country’s multisectoral reform program.
World Bank, the

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