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This project targets female farmers to meet their needs in preparation, adaptation and mitigation of disasters as they are usually first respondents during disasters.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Documents and publications
This desk review aims at evaluating gender-responsive disaster preparedness and recovery efforts in the nine CFR Caribbean countries.
Documents and publications
The disaster risk reduction (DRR) - PFM (public financial management) review focuses on five key elements of the PFM system in Guyana
UNICEF's Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office and CDEMA signed a MoU to co-operate on the development of more resilient communities.
United Nations Children's Fund - The Americas and Caribbean Regional Office
A new learning paper by Acclimatise provides an insight on the lessons learnt from implementing Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness projects in the Caribbean.
Documents and publications

Acclimatise was commissioned to implement aspects of readiness support projects in Belize (2018 – 2019), The Bahamas (2018 – 2019) and Guyana (2016 – 2017), and prepare their country strategic frameworks. This support, as seen had three main objectives:

Amid the recent fires that burned down thousands of square miles of the jungle, seven Amazonian countries signed a pact to protect the Amazon.
Thomson Reuters
The UNCCD Drought Initiative is in full swing with dozens of countries signing up to plan their drought programme. Guyana is looking at the utilisation of wells in communities affected by drought, including an agreement with Brazil to drill wells in at least eight major indigenous communities in the southern part of the Rupununi.
Inter Press Service International Association

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