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Climate change has brought drier weather to the Middle East, but Jordan has fared worse than its neighbours
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Documents and publications

This paper reviews the evidence on the inclusion of refugees in government-led social protection responses to Covid-19 in the Republic of Congo and Colombia and the alignment or integration of international humanitarian and development actors’ cash

UN-Habitat Jordan held a workshop last week to launch the flood risk assessment and hazard mapping study as well as the proposed flood intervention.
Jordan Times, The - Jordan Press Foundation
A new Climate Resilient Water Safety Plan is aimed at addressing the existing and potential challenges to water security.
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Documents and publications

The civil society sector is experiencing pressure and strain unlike it has experienced before, under the COVID-19 pandemic. To explore how the sector has responded, engaged and acted this past year, the All India Disaster Mitigation Institute and

Research briefs
Prolonged and potentially destabilizing water shortages will become commonplace in Jordan by 2100, new research finds.
Stanford University
Documents and publications

This paper analyses prioritisation of watersheds for flood risk management in Wadi Easal Basin (WEB), Jordan, using geospatial technologies. Morphometric analysis and sub‐watersheds prioritisation were carried out for the Wadi Easal Basin, Jordan, which

Documents and publications

This report introduces practical tools, approaches and case studies on linking Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS). The content of this publication was developed by the IASC Reference Group for Mental Health

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