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Documents and publications

This paper examines how the lessons of previous epidemics helped successful countries fight COVID-19. Covid-19 caught the West by surprise, but the legacy of Ebola, MERS, and SARS meant that several Asian and African nations had systems in place to

Early warning systems, contingency planning and local action can strengthen West Africa’s responses to increasingly frequent severe flooding.
African Development Bank
Documents and publications

The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Earth Observation for Sustainable Development Climate Resilience (EO4SD CR) has released a new brochure providing an overview of its work supporting Monrovia’s Integrated Development Project (MIDP). MIDP has applied EO

Targeted financing has been released to combat hunger, malnutrition, and poverty in countries torn by fragility,conflict and violence.
World Bank, the
Farms in Foya District, Liberia, are devastated by forest fires. Once, communities worked together to prevent outbreaks; now a fire law has been passed to reduce risk.
FrontPage Africa
The Earth Observation for Sustainable Development and the World Bank are providing Earth observation data in support of the Monrovia Integrated Development Project.
European Space Agency
The Earth Observation for Sustainable Development Climate Resilience Cluster combines Earth Observation information with other data to help improve resilience.
European Space Agency
Documents and publications

The 2014–15 Ebola epidemic took a devastating human and economic toll on three West African countries, of which Liberia was perhaps the hardest hit. The pathways through which the crisis affected economic activity in these largely agrarian societies

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