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Documents and publications
This study presents new flood damage functions (FDFs) for rice crops that enable the quantitative estimation of rice yield losses for different growth stages of the rice crops.
This screenshot shows the front page of the publication
Documents and publications
This study analyzes flood impact on residential areas and household damage, to develop a new, more accurate, method for flood damage assessment, considering different house types.
Documents and publications
Undervaluing the protections natural ecosystems provide against flooding has detrimental impacts for society, particularly given the increase in flood hazard in the context of climate and land-use changes.
Cover and source: Government of Myanmar
Policies and plans
This NDC builds on Myanmar's efforts on on adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and mitigation and sets key sectoral conditional targets that the government aims to achieve with international financial and technical assistance.
Documents and publications

This report discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent enforcement of mobility restrictions have created bottlenecks in the agri-food system. When the food supply chain is disrupted, economic loss occurs, putting rural households, already in

The agri-food systems in three Climate-Smart Villages in Southeast Asia only had to make minimal adjustments to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Documents and publications

These regional guidelines on watershed-scale vulnerability and adaptation assessments (W-VAAs) are the product of a multiyear collaboration among the institutions listed above. The guidelines synthesize the shared knowledge and experience of the

Documents and publications

This study aims to build knowledge on how to contribute to gender transformation by achieving systemic changes and addressing the root causes of gender inequality in resilience and climate programming. This research took a feminist and participatory

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