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Documents and publications

This publication descibes Asian Development Bank (ADB) efforts to support member countries in the Pacific in addressing climate change and disaster risks.

ADB's Pacific operations cover 14 developing member countries (DMCs). In support of the Pacific

Documents and publications

This report reviews the availability of data in Nauru to report against the indicators recommended to measure the global targets of the Sendai Framework, and identify current gaps.

Deep in discussion: participants at the Singapore workshop debate ways to boost their countries' disaster risk management capacity (Photo: Nanyang Technological University – Centre for Continuing Education)
Press release
Singapore and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) have renewed their partnership to strengthen the disaster risk management capacity of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and other developing countries that are vulnerable to natural disasters and are on the front line of climate change.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Office in Incheon for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction
Mr. Robert Glasser, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, addresses the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management in Fiji (Photo: UNISDR)
Pacific countries have pledged to step up efforts to deal with the challenge posed by climate change and the threat of disasters, in order to ensure that their development is sustainable.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific
Documents and publications

Uncertainty about future climate creates challenges in both adaptation planning and evaluation. Defining and determining success in adaptation therefore can be difficult. This publication, however, does not attempt to address all of the issues and

Documents and publications

This new publication from the World Meteorological Organization provides a wide-ranging description of how small island States and territories in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific regions are using seasonal predictions and other climate information

Cover and source: Government of Nauru
Policies and plans
This law provides for matters relating to disaster risk management in Nauru; to establish under law the National Emergency Services, the national disaster risk committee, and the National Disaster Risk Management Council and for other related purposes.
Sixty-five participants from nine small Pacific Island countries and territories have joined development partners this week to review and share experiences from the implementation of the Global Climate Change Alliance: Pacific Small Islands States project. The meeting gives country representatives the opportunity to present their experiences in tackling the adverse effects of climate change...
Pacific Community

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