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Rockfall blocks a road followin heavy rain
Detailed mapping by GNS Science and its partners is revealing the extraordinary impact of an extreme rainfall event.
American Geophysical Union
Eruption of Mount Etna volcano, 16 February 2020
Research briefs
New study investigated how far fires ignited by hot rock projectiles from a volcanic eruption could spread under certain wind conditions.
GNS Science
Bushfire, Australia
Research briefs
Notwithstanding its sophistication, predicting fire behaviour remains a challenge, mainly because fire properties, including rate of spread, direction and intensity, depend on variables that interact in complex ways.
Resilience to Nature's Challenges
Research briefs
New research published in Frontiers in Communication today reveals that most New Zealanders know very little about systems for early earthquake warning in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Massey University
Documents and publications
This report explores the potential for CRAs to be used as a tool for assessing adaptation effectiveness, expanding on the implications of designing or updating CRAs and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems for NAP processes.
New Zealand faces multiple natural hazards, the geotechnical industry is already struggling to recruit graduates, and the demand can only grow as we tackle multifaceted global problems such as climate change and reliable energy supplies.
Conversation Media Group, the
Rockfall blocks a road followin heavy rain
A study published in the journal Geomorphology on June 2023 finds that increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall under the highest levels of warming in New Zealand could trigger more landslides per storm.
Climate Adaptation Platform
Flooded street, Quensland, 2011
The “sponge city” concept is gaining traction as a way to mitigate extreme weather, save lives and even make cities more pleasant places to live. This is important when existing urban stormwater infrastructure is often already ageing and inadequate.
Conversation Media Group, the

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