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Direct Relief
Direct Relief’s research team tracked the storm’s path and compiled population data to map which communities would be most at-risk in the aftermath of the storm.
Direct Relief
Documents and publications

This report evaluates Oxfam America's program for "strengthening community preparedness, rapid response and recovery in Asia/Pacific Islands and Central America", implemented in two regional programmes (The Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, El

Documents and publications

This report presents the preliminary results of the technical assistance to connect and develop coordination between three sectors in the Central American and Dominican Republic region — Disaster Risk Management, Culture and Cultural Heritage, and

Documents and publications

In this study, the authors explore the potentials and shortcomings of national laws in managing flood risk and increasing flood resilience in the context of climate change. They analyze 139 laws from 33 countries collected from the Climate Change Laws of

El tema de la sequía se abordó en la segunda sesión de la sesión de capacitación sobre estrategias de sequía para Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua
Guatemala - government
As climate change fuels more frequent and severe droughts, people in rural parts of Central America are struggling to feed their families and are migrating in response.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Research briefs
Researchers hope that observation of similar patterns of unrest could lead to forecasting models for 'persistently restless volcanoes'.
Carnegie Institution for Science
Documents and publications

This Modernisation Plan is a description of the modernisation goals for Nicaragua's meteorological, hydrological and climate services and the results expected. Furthermore, the plan is a useful tool to manage the expectations of stakeholders and serves

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