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Norway’s average temperature has risen 1.1°C since 1900, with marked seasonal and geographical disparities. Warming has been strongest during the spring and in northern parts of the country.
International Energy Agency
Documents and publications
In this article, the researchers explore how emergency management institutions understand the effects of false information and what approaches are used to manage false information during actual crises.
Norwegian government presented a white paper describing its action plan for transformation of Norwegian society as a whole by 2030.
Norway - government
Documents and publications

This paper argues that there is a need for a new policy framing that Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) investment is imperative that will generate dividends for governments and society at large. Under the auspice of the Sendai Framework for disaster risk

Documents and publications

This paper presents a mobility indicator derived from anonymised aggregated mobile positioning data. Even though the indicator does not provide information about the behaviour of individuals, it captures valuable insights into the mobility patterns of the

Documents and publications

This work introduces the concept of data-driven Mobility Functional Areas (MFAs) as geographic zones with a high degree of intra-mobility exchanges. Such information, calculated at European regional scale thanks to mobile data, can be useful to inform

Documents and publications

Following the emergence of a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and its spread outside of China, Europe is now experiencing large epidemics. In response, many European countries have implemented unprecedented non-pharmaceutical interventions including case

Documents and publications

The aim of the study was to identify groups of communities with similar resilience profiles, using Norwegian municipalities as a case. The authors used a set of socioeconomic and environmental indicators as measures of municipalities’ resilience and

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