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PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek/Shutterstock
Eastern Europe was praised for being exceptional during the first wave of the pandemic but its pandemic experience has been dramatically different this autumn.
Conversation Media Group, the
Documents and publications

In this study, the authors explore the potentials and shortcomings of national laws in managing flood risk and increasing flood resilience in the context of climate change. They analyze 139 laws from 33 countries collected from the Climate Change Laws of

Research briefs
New research uncovers why particular people and places are at greater risk of overheating than others
Conversation Media Group, the
Documents and publications

The current overview of the climate adaptation related regulations and activities at the national, regional and local levels in Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries is based on a document review using the latest national communications of the countries

New research shows how human activity influcences forest fires.The new findings can help better calibrate models for predicting fires.
The GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Documents and publications

These guidelines explore natural small water retention measures and are part of a bigger project on an integrated drought management programme in Central and Eastern Europe, conducted by the Global Water Partnership and WMO. 

The guidelines conclude that

Documents and publications

The aim of this paper is to understand the relationship between the types of losses incurred in the context of Storm Xaver, and the use of the term ‘disaster’ for a winter storm that occurred in 2013. This understanding is important as regards disaster

The Security Council, convening to discuss the nexus between climate change and conflicts around the globe, considered several concrete proposals to guide the 15-member organ’s efforts — or those of other United Nations entities — on that evolving and increasingly critical issue.
United Nations - Headquarters

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