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Documents and publications

Concentration of time (Tc) is a frequently used parameter in the evaluation of the hydrological response of different sizes hydrographic basin in case of rainfall events. The present study is innovative, because it has created an index that identifies the

In Romania, disaster risk and sustainable development are intrinsically linked, with disasters rolling back development gains and having a greater impact on the poor.
World Bank, the
Documents and publications

Romania has accelerated investments and undertaken policy reforms in disaster risk management in recent years. In 2018, in collaboration with the World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, Romania secured a US $493 million

Romania, the European country with highest seismic risk profile, focusses on harnessing innovative technology to improve the communication of risk information.
World Bank, the
Bucharest, the most exposed European capital to seismic risks, has developed the Romania DRM Community, promoting disaster anticipation as a collective responsibility.
World Bank, the
A Civil Society Organisation (CSO) in Bucharest is training pet and stray dogs to be at the front line of forest and earthquake search and rescue efforts. The dogs are trained in sessions to find victims and bark continuously until the owner arrives or the victim stands up.
World Bank, the
As per the Open Data for Resilience Index, much of the essential risk data in Balkan countries has restricted access or does not exist, with a lack of interoperability also hampering DRR. But government and journalist efforts are attempting to fill the gap, and the Balkans have several key recommendations to guide future open data efforts.
World Bank, the
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, the (GFDRR)
Bucharest and the World Bank have signed a Reimbursable Service Agreement to help the city identify sustainable and accelerated mechanisms to improve the performance of the Seismic Risk Reduction Program. The World Bank will provide recommendations in three key areas: legislative, regulatory and institutional reforms concerning seismic reduction.
World Bank, the

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