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Maselina leads advocacy campaigns with the Deaf Association of Samoa engaging stakeholders such as the Samoa Meteorological Office, Ministry of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the National Disaster Management Office.
Twelve inspiring women are the finalists for the 2022 Rising Star Women’s International Network for Disaster Risk Reduction Leadership Award.
School children in Vanuatu.
The January 2022 volcanic eruption and tsunami – called a ‘once in 1000-year event’ is the latest in a long list of recent disasters to have hit Tonga and cause significant disruption to Tongan children’s education.
World Bank, the
Group photo of PARTneR event in Samoa
New Zealand's The Pacific Risk Tool for Resilience (PARTneR) project aims to tailor a multi-hazard risk analysis tool to inform disaster risk management in Pacific Island countries, with pilots in Samoa and Vanuatu.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific
An update on the latest COVID-19 situation in Samoa, the village taking a natural approach to disaster mitigation with some success and what can be learnt about disaster planning from weather forecasting.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Cyclone Gita
09 Dec 2021
Tropical Cyclone (TC) Gita formed in early February 2018 and developed into a category 4 cyclone, affecting multiple countries in the Pacific region. Tonga was hardest-hit, incurring severe damage.
This is the coverpage of the publication.
Documents and publications
This document aims to succinctly summarize the climate risks faced by Samoa. This includes rapid onset and long-term changes in key climate parameters, as well as impacts of these changes on communities, livelihoods and economies.
Cover and source: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Documents and publications
Pacific Risk Profile is a snapshot of climate and disaster risk information that is collected from credible open data sources. It is intended to provide DFAT program managers and implementing partners with easy access to essential risk information.

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