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Coastal retreat in West Africa is a pressing problem. The contact between land and sea on coasts produces intense erosion and sedimentation processes.
Conversation Media Group, the
Two Sudanese women working on the fields.
This year’s World Meteorological Day, emphasised the importance of early action and early warning systems for impact-based forecasting – a focal point for NORCAP’s climate services experts.
Norwegian Refugee Council
Documents and publications
Ce rapport est le fruit d’une recherche menée dans les zones semi-arides du Sénégal, et plus particulièrement dans la région de Kaolack dans le cadre du projet Women Entrepreneurs in Climate Change Adaptation (WECCA).
Woman farmer at Maaden, an oasis of the Adrar region famous for its numerous agriculture development programs.
The 9th World Water Forum (WWF), taking place in Dakar, Senegal, brings people from across the world together to discuss “water security for peace and development.”
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
This blog describes how the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) has helped identify the best interventions and activities to enhance their flood resilience.
Flood Resilience Portal
Strengthening the commitment to the aim of the Risk-informed Early Action Partnership, IDF industry members launch an Anticipatory Action and Disaster Risk Reduction Initiative, funding a collaboration between MapAction and Start Network
Insurance Development Forum
This is the first page.
Documents and publications
This report forms part of the Independent Evaluation of the African Risk Capacity (ARC) undertaken by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) over the period from 2015 to 2024, commissioned by the United Kingdom’s FCDO.
The experience of community members in Thiès-Nord, an urban, flood-prone, area in Senegal where Practical Action works as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, makes a strong case for investing in flood resilience.
Flood Resilience Portal

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