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Unidentified businessmen crossing the street on March 7, 2013 in Singapore.
Records show that the eastern parts of Singapore have consistently seen higher temperatures than the rest of the island.
Channel NewsAsia
Singapore is now exploring how best to harness this natural defensive weapon against sea-level rise in the north-west.
Straits Times, the
Scientists in Singapore are working on a "crystal ball" to help fine-tune and localise for the region the global climate projections in the latest report of IPCC.
Straits Times, the
Aquifers can be replenished when floodwaters flow through pipes or canals and are stored there to harness rainwater to prevent floods, meet needs during dry periods.
Straits Times, the
It will predict how sea-level rise and heavier rainfall will affect Singapore
Straits Times, the
Documents and publications

This publication collects the efforts made by universities in the response and preparedness toward the COCVID-19 pandemic as well as other hazards such as earthquakes, fires, and anthropogenic hazards. This compilation includes 26 case studies from 13

Documents and publications

This paper examines how the lessons of previous epidemics helped successful countries fight COVID-19. Covid-19 caught the West by surprise, but the legacy of Ebola, MERS, and SARS meant that several Asian and African nations had systems in place to

A future where Singapore's reservoirs have no more water and where rising sea levels threaten the low-lying coastline may become a reality.
Straits Times, the

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