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Tonga volcano satelite view
Research briefs
An international team has used satellite- and ground-based ionospheric observations to demonstrate that an air pressure wave triggered by volcanic eruptions which severely disrupted satellite-based communications.
Nagoya University
Cover CFE-DM
Documents and publications
The Handbook focuses on Tonga’s disaster management framework and disaster risk reduction strategies. It also provides an overview of the country’s government, geography, demographics, socio-cultural practices, and history of natural disasters.
Cover World Bank
Documents and publications
The systematic country diagnostic (SCD) covers a group of nine small Pacific Island countries (PIC-9) - Kiribati, Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
Volcanic crater and lake in Tonga
Research briefs
Detailed analysis of the January 2022 event shows how underwater blasts generated huge waves that battered coastlines throughout the island nation.
Nature Publishing Group
Ensuring planning for disasters is inclusive across Tonga, especially when it comes to vulnerable people in the community.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Twelve months after the volcanic eruption and tsunami in Tonga, residents are still clearing and cleaning up debris and damage.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Documents and publications
This publication reviews the financial performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in nine Pacific island economies and looks at how policy makers can help state-owned power utilities address climate risk.
Houses being washed away through coastal erosion and sea level rise.
Since the record-breaking volcanic eruption a year ago, which triggered up to 15m tsunami waves that gutted entire villages, the Government of Tonga is building higher and higher sea walls to keep the ocean out.
Commonwealth Secretariat

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