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The Greater Horn of Africa is finally emerging from three years of devastating drought, with above average rainfall predicted for the forthcoming season. But it is accompanied by the risk that flooding will impact local communities and livelihoods.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
A new £1 million international project is set to provide research to better understand and predict flooding on the Nile River in Uganda and South Sudan.
University of Reading
Documents and publications
This paper studies the long-run economic impacts of landslides in Uganda, where 300,000 people have been affected, and 65,000 displaced, over the past decade alone. Between 2008 and 2018, around 265 million people were displaced by disasters .
In Kasese District, Uganda, we discover the challenges the community faces as they strive to recover from the devastating impact of heavy rainfall. This is the seventh of the “Voices from the Frontline (Phase III)” stories.
Global Resilience Partnership
Resurgence today announced the launch of the DARAJA East Africa Scale Up Programme, spanning cities in the East and Greater Horn of Africa, creating at a stroke Africa’s most ambitious and inclusive urban early warning initiative.
Flash flood, Uganda, 2020
Government officials and humanitarian actors from Uganda and Kenya have concluded a three-day simulation exercise near the Mount Elgon ranges in Mbale, eastern Uganda.
Platform on Disaster Displacement
Research briefs
Karamoja is not only one of the country’s most food-insecure regions but has also been plagued by communal violence and violent cattle rustling for decades.
New Security Beat
Fall armyworm eating leaves.
Most smallholder farmers surveyed in Uganda believe they can reduce damage caused by the fall armyworm with several management and control options available to help them mitigate the impacts of the potentially devastating crop pest.
PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd

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