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Research briefs
The majority of farmers surveyed in Bangladesh, Rwanda and Zambia are willing to pay for visits to CABI-led Plantwise plant clinics which help diagnose potentially devastating crop pests and diseases as well as ways to mitigate impacts on yields.
CAB International
Cover of the GCRF-AFRICAP final report
Documents and publications
Working in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia, the project built actionable evidence around climate-resilient pathways and transformations, and capacities for the translation of this evidence into both policy and practice.
Farmer preparing his field for seedlings in South Africa
Crop failures, economic shocks and loss of livelihoods will intensify in sub-Saharan Africa due to climate change. However, with climate-smart policies, crop production can increase by over 500%, with positive results for food security and livelihoods.
University of Leeds
Fall armyworm larva
Research briefs
A CABI-led study has developed the first forecasting models targeting the larval stages of fall armyworm– using near real-time earth observation data and pest occurrence within a farmer's field, the models will assist in the fight against the pest.
CAB International
Pastoralists, Kenya
Index-based livestock insurance (IBLI) can protect livestock keepers from drought-related asset losses. This safety-net mechanism was developed in response to increasingly severe and frequent droughts in East Africa.
International Livestock Research Institute
This blog shares insights from the flood light activation in Zambia that took place from February 18th until February 24th 2021.
Netherlands Red Cross
The National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP) hosted a webinar exchange with over 60 participants about “Integrating Climate Risks in the Water Sector” with a focus on NAP formulation.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Cover page for publication with title
Documents and publications
This paper uses nationally representative, three-wave household-level panel data to investigate questions.

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