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Documents and publications

This paper showcases different initiatives in the Pacific, the Caribbean and the Horn of Africa region to address climate-related human mobility. There is increasing recognition in many regions and countries across the globe that human mobility in the

Documents and publications

The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning (CM4EW) is an international and transparent multi-source, consensus assessment of the crop growing conditions, status, and agro-climatic conditions that are likely to impact global production. The CM4EW reports

Marshall Islands. Micronesia. Palau. Papua New Guinea. Samoa. They span the Pacific Ocean and face a unique set of challenges in this pandemic.
United Nations Office for Project Services
Documents and publications

This paper examines the establishment of the Shandong Green Development Fund; reviews its design, implementation, and impact; and assesses if this can be further developed and extended to other countries in the Asia and Pacific. This paper sets out the

Documents and publications
This research examines the viability of the Emergency Response Fund (ERF) in enabling more direct funding to local actors so they can better prepare and shape their own response actions when disasters caused by natural hazards strike
Documents and publications
This paper examines the changing risk landscape in Asia Pacific, highlights the urgency of addressing these challenges, and provides an approach to build cyber security into critical infrastructure.
Floods in Jakarta, Indonesia (2015). dani daniar/Shutterstock
A new report reveals 12.6 million people have been internally displaced around the world in the last six months mainly due to climate and weather-related disasters.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Documents and publications

The report analyses climate-related displacement as well as a post-earthquake response across eight countries, examining response by National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in coordination with governments and other agencies. The research finds that

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