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Research briefs
The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has issued an analysis of the persistent extreme drought, which started in 2019 and is impacting the La Plata Basin, the second largest river basin in South America and the fifth in the world.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Documents and publications
This contribution to the GAR Special Report on Drought 2021 is a case study on the 2017-18 drought in the Argentine Pampas. It focusses on its impacts on agriculture. The drought had large impacts on production and yields of summer crops.
Documents and publications

This paper investigates the land value creation potential from flood mitigation investments in a theoretical and applied setting, using the urban area of Buenos Aires as a case study. It contributes to the literature on the wider economic benefits of

El reporte revela que por inundaciones hay pérdidas anuales promedio de activos de entre US$500 millones y US$1400 millones.
World Bank, the
Documents and publications

This climate risk profile is intended to serve as a public good to facilitate upstream country diagnostics, policy dialogue, and strategic planning by providing comprehensive overviews of trends and projected changes in key climate parameters, sector

Michal Knitl/Shutterstock
Local, national governments are impressed with the milestones achieved by the Gran Chaco’s communities — and community members now have a direct say in the planning.
World Resources Institute
As is the case in many capitals in Latin America and around the world, the City of Buenos Aires used every square meter to house the growing number of people.
World Bank, the
Documents and publications

El presente estudio demuestra la utilidad del enfoque de Toma de Decisiones Robustas (RDM por sus siglas en ingles), un método de toma de decisión bajo incertidumbre profunda, para evaluar la vulnerabilidad y las oportunidades de adaptación de la gestión

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