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Policies and plans

The approval of the disaster risk management national strategy and action plan of the Republic of Armenia affirms that one of the main prerequisites for the development of the Disaster risk management national strategy (hereinafter-strategy) is Armenia’s

Documents and publications

The 1988 Spitak Earthquake claimed 25,000 lives and left 500,000 homeless in Armenia – in the three decades since, however, the country has taken some important steps toward disaster resilience.

This commemorative publication briefly explores the

Since Spitak, Armenia has taken vital steps towards disaster resilience through initiatives such as the National Disaster Risk Management System and Strategy of 2017.
World Bank, the
Fearing a possible accident from an aged nuclear power plant in Armenia, Turkish residents of a border village held a drill to prepare themselves.
Daily Sabah
Documents and publications

This report presents an evaluation of the current level of crisis preparedness of the Armenian health system and reviews changes and developments since 2007. It also examines the country’s risk prevention and risk mitigation initiatives. While the main

The United Nations Development Programme has released a new report on early warning that aims to support innovation and the development of systems by highlighting methods that have been successfully tested in southeast Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia. The report also addresses a number of challenges and obstacles to successful systems.
Glacier Hub
Documents and publications

This analytical work assesses the Armenian Service for Hydrometeorology (AHS) based on the user community needs. The analysis identifies gaps and challenges in producing and delivering weather, climate and hydrological information and services, and it

An earthquake that devastated Armenia in 1988 wrought extreme economic and physical devastation, as well as thousands of deaths. The earthquake serves as a reminder that preparing for disasters is not just a science or practice, but an integral part of every international development framework.
Inter Press Service International Association

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