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Recent prescribed burning beside a main road in southern Queensland, assisting in firefighter safety, firefighting/ backburning and reducing bushfire escape/ travel risks.
With greater knowledge and understanding of the role of fire in the Australian landscape, we can take better care of native vegetation on private land. There's a strong case to be made for private landholders to conduct their own cool burns.
Conversation Media Group, the
Heat-related deaths will jump more than 60 per cent by 2050 in the city of Perth if temperatures continue to climb, according to modelling done for the WA Department of Health.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Unchecked, climate change will make it harder to produce food on a large scale. We get over 40% of our calories from just three plants: wheat, rice and corn.
Conversation Media Group, the
A group of people hide from heavy rain under a building while three persons in the background walk with umbrellas
For Australia, we helped develop a comprehensive review of the latest climate science to guide preparedness for future floods. This showed the increase per degree of global warming was about 7-28% for hourly or shorter duration extreme rain.
Conversation Media Group, the
Documents and publications
This study aimed to develop an approach for quantifying wildfire likelihood that is both computationally efficient and able to consider contagious and directionally specific fire behaviour properties across multiple spatial ‘neighbourhood’ scales.
My research shows the 2023 fires burned more than 84 million hectares of desert and savannah in northern Australia. This is larger than the whole of New South Wales, or more than three times the size of the United Kingdom.
Conversation Media Group, the
This article covers the ongoing enigma at the heart of the Pacific of confounding predictability of climate extremes at seasonal and longer timescales.
Risk Frontiers Holdings Pty Ltd
Flooding in the streets of Brisbane in March 2022.
Before Climate Change really got going, eastern Australia’s flash floods tended to concentrate on our coastal regions. Now we get flash floods much further inland, such as Broken Hill in 2012 and 2022 and Cobar, Bourke and Nyngan in 2022.
Conversation Media Group, the

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