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Documents and publications
This fact sheet presents a project that supports local population in planning and implementing reconstruction in the aftermath of heavy rain in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
'The risk management process not only implies a response to events, but also mitigation, and above all prevention' said Juan Pablo Sarmiento, co-director of the Risk Disaster Reduction Program of the Latin American and Caribbean Center...
Dominican Today
Policies and plans

In Spanish:

El plan nacional de emergencia establece el marco institucional e interinstitucional para les acciones del Gobierno y de la sociedad civil ante la amenaza o existencia de un desastre, con el fin de salvaguardar la vida, proteger lo bienes y

Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2007-09 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and ISDR System partners.
El Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (Indotel) y el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia (COE) informaron ayer que probaron “con éxito” el “Sistema de información de alerta” que permitirá utilizar el espectro radioeléctrico (teléfonos, celulares, televisión y radio) para prevenir situaciones de desastres. El “Sistema de Información de Alerta” fue creado por el consejo directivo del Indotel para facilitar al Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias (COE) informar a la ciudadanía sobre situaciones de catástrofes utilizando los servicios telefónicos o de difusión en todo el país.
Listín Diario
Documents and publications

More than 400 professionals from 48 countries attended this meeting to identify lessons learned with regard to the preparedness for and response to two of the most devastating hurricanes of the last decades: Georges and Mitch. The recommendations in this

Documents and publications

Disaster Risk Management Working Paper Series, no. 5.

This paper examines the ways in which natural resources management and environmental degradation affect natural hazard risk, and makes a preliminary assessment of the importance of such linkages and

Tourism and disaster management stakeholders across the Caribbean are collaborating to implement a master plan to protect the region's tourism industry against the impact of natural disasters....

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