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Documents and publications

This document presents a South-East Asia specific disaster risk reduction framework that provides more specific guidance to National Societies in acknowledgement of the Framework for Community Safety and Resilience and global guidance, which outlines the

Press release
Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Melaka were named Role Model Cities as part of the United Nations-led “Making Resilient Cities” campaign, which was launched during Malaysia’s National Disaster Awareness Day celebrations from 18 to 19 February. These three major Malaysian cities were chosen for their ability to meet and inspire others around the world to take up ten essential actions that reduce disaster risk.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific
Photo copyright IRRI
'The role of climate change in the recent catalogue of meteorological disasters will be hotly debated. It is widely acknowledged that a warming world will impact cyclone activity and rainfall patterns. However, the impact on the intensity of La Niña events remains uncertain' asserts the Maplecroft environmental briefing...
Verisk Maplecroft
Disaster risk reduction is an often hidden facet of relief work, but is crucial in empowering communities to be better prepared in the face of calamity. 'I’m not one of those sexy guys who go into the field doing relief work once a crisis hits,' jokes Ashaari Rahmat, 25, whose work focuses more on preparing people and carrying out risk assessments...
Star Online, the - Star Publications
Press release
Parliamentarians from ten Asian countries have issued a call to national governments to allocate at least 1 per cent of the national budget and development funding for reducing disaster risk.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Documents and publications

This publication reports on the analyses and outcomes of the Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative (CDRI) Capacity-building Program participated by the following 8 cities: Chennai (India), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Hue (Vietnam), Kuala

'If there is one development issue that cuts across all other development concerns, it is disaster risk reduction. Resolving this issue is today's most daunting task for all sectors since disasters abound and are getting bigger, deadlier and worse,' said Senator Legarda in her opening statement today...
Office of Senator Loren Legarda
Philippine Senator Legarda convenes a consultative meeting for Asian parliamentarians to discuss actions they can take to increase the resilience of Asian countries to disasters and climate change, including promoting investment in disaster risk reduction and disaster resilient schools and hospitals...
Philippine Information Agency

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