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Photo by Andrew Moir, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
Minister Namugala expressed concern that most African countries including Zambia were still not fully aware of the serious threats that climate change posed to people’s livelihoods and sustainable development...
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Photo by Flikr user Julien Harneis, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
Developed and developing country governments gave an important signal for action on adaptation yesterday by deciding which countries will be offered funding under a pilot program within the US$6 billion Climate Investment Funds...
World Bank, the
Documents and publications

The year 2008 has seen significant global humanitarian challenges ranging from devastating natural disasters, escalating food and oil prices to worsening conflict situations. In recent decades, the number and severity of natural disasters has increased

Documents and publications

The report, Africa - Up in Smoke 2, is based on the latest available scientific research and evidence from those living on the front line of global warming. It shows that climate change is already having serious impacts on peoples' lives across Africa -

Documents and publications

This publication profiles 12 examples of local government achievements towards sustainability and the specific partnerships with a variety of actors that have contributed to that success. No matter where they are located, partners are inevitably

Documents and publications

There is a strong and increasing recognition of the crucial role of water in sustainable development, but meeting competing demands will require coordinated action and considerable funding. To respond to needs, governments, international organizations

Documents and publications

This document illustrates the application to the Kafue river basin of the "Strategy for flood management", a tool which brings to the fore the proactive and integrated ways of managing floods for the sustainable development of our flood plains. The

"This is why we should...respond to the coming crisis and further develop disaster preparedness activities,” said Peter Rees, Head of the International Federation Operations Support Department....
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

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