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Documents and publications

This thematic review report on urban risk reduction in Asia was prepared by the Asia Regional Task Force on Urban Risk Reduction (RTF-URR) in the context of progress review in the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action. It reviews the status of

Documents and publications

This book formed an integral part of the 2003 International Year of Freshwater. It provides a comprehensive view of water projects and initiatives supported by the United Nations which gave all agencies and organisations dedicated to protecting global

Policies and plans

This presentation was given at the Workshop on National Platforms at the International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC) in Davos, Switzerland, in August of 2008. This NP presentation includes information regarding: Context of Disaster Risk Reduction

Documents and publications

This publication is devoted to women pastoralists, their knowledge of and contributions to sustainable land management, and the coping mechanisms they have developed in their struggle to survive. It is a call to action to support them by increasing their

Documents and publications

This Resource Guide seeks to assist water professionals, politicians, gender specialists and others in their efforts to provide improved access to water for poor women, children and men all over the world.

The initial Resource Guide was launched during

Documents and publications

Submitted in preparation for the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, 2005, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.

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