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Documents and publications

This study details the risks global cities may face due to a warming world. It examines mitigation and adaptation strategies for developing and developed cities, enabling readers to utilize information on both, and leverage co-benefits between the two.

Documents and publications

Working Paper 1:

This working paper aims to describe what ‘adapting’ to climate change means by clarifying commonly used terminology and how these different concepts are used in policy development in Australia, and other parts of the world. This is the

Documents and publications

Working paper 2:

This report focuses on assessing the impacts of climate change only, not the wider topic of the economics of mitigation, industry or economy-wide adjustment to a carbon price, or the costs of adaptation to climate change. Points

'Here is an example of how shared knowledge and experience in climate change adaptation and disaster risk mitigation will benefit peoples and communities from across very distant hemispheres' said Australian High Commissioner, Philip Kentwell referring to a conference starting today in Samoa...
Australian Agency for International Development
Documents and publications

This report is the results of a study carried out between 1-6 April 2011 to establish the attitude of Australians toward natural disasters; their frequency, severity, cause and impact on both critical infrastructure and wellbeing. The authors recommend

Photo by Flickr user, Raiden256, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
A report released by MWH, an engineering firm, found that just one third of Australians believe the country's critical infrastructure is strong enough to withstand floods or cyclones, while only 14% believe it could withstand an earthquake and 12% a tsunami...
MWH Inc.
'I would say in general the world is not at all well prepared for these [extreme weather] events which are becoming far more serious and far more frequent' said Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in an interview with ABC's environment reporter Sarah Clarke...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
A CSIRO synthesis in early 2011 found that Australians largely support the need for action, but are confused about climate change and appropriate policy responses. The synthesis looked at 22 recent Australian surveys of climate change attitudes undertaken by universities, CSIRO units and media organisations between 2008 and 2011, reports ECOS Magazine on ScienceAlert. More on climate chanage adaptation at the Global Platform...
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

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