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Recently released high-quality, up-to-date vector-based maps of Central and South America give insurance and reinsurance companies a precise, reliable cartographic basis that can associate actual and modelled risks with the objects to be insured...
Directions Magazine, Directions Media
NSF has awarded a grant for the development of a tectonic plate-scale integrated geodetic and atmospheric/regional climate observational system to increase understanding and assess seismic and other natural hazards in the Caribbean and Central America...
National Science Foundation
The Adaptation Fund Board has approved projects in Senegal and Honduras for funding worth US$14 million. These and other decisions were taken at the 11th Adaptation Fund Board meeting held in Bonn, Germany, from 15-17 September 2010...
Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat
Sixaola Bridge, gateway to Panama via Costa Rica on the Carribean coast, by Flickr user Wha'ppen / Arturo Sotillo, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic,
The action plan requires joint efforts towards regional cooperation and integration with more than 20 specific measures, including climate change and disasters with the aim of adopting risk management strategies to confront emerging risks due to natural hazard, climate change and health epidemics...
World Bank, the
'Now we have to pay special attention to the impact that Agatha has had on the risk reduction mechanisms in the communities, such as the dykes, retention walls and drains.' warns Felipe del Cid, disaster management delegate with the International Federation’s Pan-American Disaster Response Unit...
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
'This study tries to establish the causal effect between natural disasters and economic growth. Economies usually recover, unless the disaster increases the likelihood of a radical political revolution’ said Eduardo Cavallo...
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Documents and publications

This document includes brief case studies which identify “natural solutions”, which are often an essential contribution to cost effective climate change adaptation and mitigation. They emphasize the role of natural systems for regulating water flow

Photo copyright Peter Casier
The climate and development organization published its Global Climate Risk Index 2010 in Copenhagen today, underlining the need for the current climate summit to step in and to help those countries to adapt to climate change...

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