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Documents and publications

The art and science of monitoring and evaluation is crucial to am optimal implementation of national action plans. This comprehensive volume is a powerful set of instruments, drawing on inputs from OSS partners and projects across the region and beyond

Documents and publications

Le Maroc a connu, lors de la dernière décennie (1994-2004), plusieurs catastrophes naturelles (séismes, inondations, crues torrentielles, invasions acridiennes, désertification, sécheresse, glissement de terrains …) et certains accidents technologiques

Documents and publications

The Convention opens an important new phase in the battle against desertification, but it is just a beginning. In particular, governments are regularly reviewing the action programmes. They also focus on awareness-raising, education and training, in both

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Understanding risk basics

PreventionWeb offers explainers that cover the basic concepts of risk.

Risk reduction how-to

How can you help others reduce disaster risk?