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Community-based projects to enhance resilience of hazard-prone Pacific island countries have grown in number over the past 20 years. Some university studies have shown that benefits were particularly apparent in cases where development bodies worked with communities to identify risks using local knowledge.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
On the occasion of the launch of the World Meteorological Organisation report at the UN Climate talks in Mexico which highlights that 2010 is on track to be one of the hottest years since modern records began and possibly the hottest, Simon Lauder interviews Michel Jarraud, WMO secretary-general for ABC...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
'The Pacific simply cannot solve some of the problems it's facing' said Margareta Wahlstrom, the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative on Disaster Risk Reduction, in an interview with Radio Australia. 'It requires a change of climate policies globally to really help them and involve them in the solutions...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
The Asian Development Bank has joined forces with an Australian company to investigate climate change and provide direction on climate change strategies across the Pacific reports the Australian Network News...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Documents and publications

This book targets the development of adaptation policy in European countries with different relations between central, regional and local government, asking how adaptation policy at different levels has emerged. Proceeding from a multi-level governance

Japan and Australia are in the process of establishing an insurance scheme to ensure that funds are rapidly available for Pacific Island countries hit by natural hazards, reports Rowan Callick, Asia-Pacific editor for the Australian...
Australian, the
Ondoy aftermath by Flickr user, Dan Saavedra, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
Two new projects will help improve the Philippines’ capacity to adapt to climate change and increase resilience to disasters. The Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology project will build more accurate risk profiles of Metro Manila, and Project READY will help address information gaps for risk and vulnerability assessment of all relevant hazards...
Australian Embassy in the Philippines
'This bottom-up risk reduction approach is fully supported and complementary to the top-down approaches from national, state and local government strategies and is essential for effective local adaptation' said workshop facilitator, Susie Chapman...
My Sunshine Coast Life

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