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The United States and many other heavily populated countries face a growing threat of severe and prolonged drought in coming decades, according to results of a new study by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Aiguo Dai...
National Science Foundation
AusAID is helping governments address the issue of urban risk through activities such as mapping hazards in urban areas and providing support to safer school construction in Indonesia and the Philippines...
Australian Agency for International Development
Australia - government
Emergency authorities must understand the psychology of people who live in flood or earthquake-prone areas if they are to help them prepare for disaster, according to research by a University of Tasmania academic.
University of Tasmania
Documents and publications

This publication is a compilation of good practices and lessons learned on early warning systems at different scales. Covered are natural hazards such as wildland fire, drought, floods, tsunami and extreme weather events. It highlights the importance of

Policies and plans

This policy statement was published by the Australian Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW and outlines the Government’s objectives and commitments in regards to sea level rise adaptation. It defines the support that the Government will

Policies and plans

This Guideline has been prepared to provide guidance on how sea level rise is to be considered in land use planning and development assessment in coastal NSW. Other
climate parameters affecting coastal processes may be considered when preparing coastal

'It is vital to properly plan for sea level rise to ensure homes are not built too close to hazard areas,' Australian Planning Minister Tony Kelly said in a statement released on Friday...
New South Wales Government
Scientists are warning that under the effect of climate change the Murray-Darling Basin, which produces half of Australia's fresh produce, is drying up, reports the UK-based Independent. 'Australia is extremely vulnerable. Global warming is going to have an extraordinarily detrimental effect on us...'
Independent, the (UK)

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