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Policies and plans

This policy provides the framework for the full integration of disaster risk reduction into Australia’s aid program. The policy supports the significant efforts of partner governments, UN agencies, civil society and others to implement the Hyogo Framework

A new aid policy aimed at drastically reducing the death toll from 'natural' disasters has been launched by the Australian Government. ABC interviewed three experts including Margareta Wahlström, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for disaster risk reduction...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
The Australian ministers for foreign affairs and climate change and water announced funding priorities to assist Pacific Island States meet the immediate challenges of climate change. The Government had previously announced $150 million for the International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative...
Australia - government
Documents and publications

The School of Geography & Environmental Studies of the University of Tasmania conducted this survey. The survey gathered input from planning practitioners on their needs and thoughts regarding the kinds of attitudes, skills and competencies planners might

The newly signed cooperation arrangement is intended to enable New Zealand and Australia to continue to work together to create community resilience and reduce the risk and impact of disasters in the community...
Australia - government
Photo by Bernard Oh, Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic
Anthony Bergin and David Templeman outline what can be done for disaster prevention in Australia...
Australian, the
Documents and publications

This series of attractive illustrated booklets follows a family as they learn about how to cope with disaster risk in a rural earthquake zone. Each brochure covers a single topic: introduction to disasters; organization of a local emergency committee

Documents and publications

This book is the latest in a series of volumes addressing natural disasters, and how their impact can be reduced by effective capacity building and prevention strategies.

A fully illustrated, 200-page book, Risk Wise offers perspectives, case studies and

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Risk reduction how-to

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