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Documents and publications

This report was commissioned by the APLC to complement the previous analysis by estimating the net benefit of control taking into account the possibility that a second generation of locust may develop in the absence of APLC operations.

In this analysis

Documents and publications
Documents and publications

This brochure explains the various concepts and challenges of drought monitoring and early warning systems as part of WMO's implementation activities for the International Year of Deserts and Desertification. This brochure also details the considerable

According to a recent study by the Australian Gov, there is abundant evidence that natural hazards disproportionately affect developing countries. Disasters are increasing every year due to factors including rapid population growth, urbanisation and climate change.
Australia - government
Documents and publications

Since that dreadful day the international community has pulled together in support of those who have lost everything. Australia was among the first of many countries to offer emergency humanitarian aid. The Australian public’s overwhelming response to the

Documents and publications

The Cities Project Perth is a natural hazard risk assessment study conducted by Geoscience Australia and its Federal, State and local collaborators. The project is primarily targeted at emergency managers, risk managers and land use planners who are

Educational materials

A document prepared to provide support to teachers, students and parents after the Tsunami. It is a community response to the crisis.

Documents and publications

Researchers in the Centre for Disaster Studies (James Cook University) have carried out extensive studies of community vulnerability to natural hazards and natural disasters. The centre has also carried out post disaster studies within the remoter parts

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