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Educational materials

This book covers 6 main themes (language; maths; science, health and environment; social studies; art; sport). In the third theme, only one tenth is devoted to hazard analysis, preventive measures and solutions.

Educational materials

This textbook for children covers various fields such as: the body, health, human beings and their environment, matter and energy.

Educational materials

This textbook for children covers various fields such as: the body, health, human beings and their environment, matter and energy.

Educational materials

This textbook for children covers various fields such as: the body, health, human beings and their environment, matter and energy.

Educational materials

This textbook for children covers various fields such as: the body, health, human beings and their environment, matter and energy.

Educational materials

This textbook for children covers various fields such as: the body, health, human beings and their environment, matter and energy. Describes phenomena like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, but no mention of disaster reduction.

Educational materials
This textbook for B.A. students is to give them an approach of the natural resources and heritage of El Salvador.
Educational materials
This textbook for B.A. students is to give them an approach of the natural resources and heritage of El Salvador.

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