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Un primer préstamo de 19 millones fue aprobado el miércoles por el directorio del BID, para invertir en un programa para prevención, mitigación y respuesta ante emergencias, informó el comunicado...
La Tribuna
Honduras will receive a $75 million credit line from the Inter-American Development Bank to support the implementation of an integrated strategy for managing the risk of natural disasters...
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Con el objetivo de desarrollar un sistema de coordinación mesoamericano de información territorial entre usuarios y proveedores, en el cual la reducción de riesgos de desastres naturales sea un eje transversal del...
Sistema Nacional de Proteccion Civil - Panama
Documents and publications

This is a report on the application of ‘accountability’ and ‘non-discrimination’ as principles to guide flood risk management. It considers the potential of a rights-based approach to flood management. It describes how the flood management/disaster risk

Documents and publications

With support from ProVention, IFRC and OAS developed a set of 6 non-technical manuals aimed at promoting community-based disaster risk reduction activities in the following fields:

  1. School Maintenance
  2. Disaster Mitigation of Rural Water Supplies
The United Nations has deployed a team of geologists to Honduras to help authorities in the Central American country identify risk zones for landslides and mudslides in the wake of Tropical Storm Paloma...
United Nations News Centre
Photo by Andrew Heavens, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic
WFP and IFAD have launched a joint initiative with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which aims to help provide poor rural farmers with financial protection following natural hazard events....
World Food Programme
Documents and publications

This collection of papers was written by different experts following the impact of Hurricane Mitch in Central America in October 1998. From regional and community perspectives, the authors describe how communities were organized, how they dealt with

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