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Documents and publications

Nearly twenty years ago, researchers at Macquarie University began compiling databases on natural hazards and their impacts in Australia. Tropical cyclones and floods together account for more than 70% of known natural hazard deaths since the European

Documents and publications

Environmental Science and Engineering
Subseries: Environmental Science

In many parts of the world, climatic variations are recognized as one of the major factors contributing to land degradation impacting on agricultural systems performance and

'An expert in disaster preparedness says industry is behind a push to improve Australia's resilience in coping with emergencies and natural disasters...'
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
photo by Flikr user Kangotraveler, Creative Commons attribution 2.0 generic
The reinforced safer harbour will provide refuge for up to 400 boats in the event of a natural hazard...
Viet Nam News, Vietnam News Agency
A vulnerability assessment to help Sydney coastal councils understand their vulnerability to climate change and prepare to adapt to potential impacts...
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Documents and publications

Overall, the negative health impacts of global climate change are anticipated to significantly outweigh positive impacts. Furthermore, global climate change will continue for decades, even after the effective implementation of mitigation measures. By

Documents and publications

Developing Community Weather-safe Structures and Behaviour. Research Series Report 2

This 18-month research report shows that non English speakers (NESH) in Australia, normally recent immigrants or refugees, are among the most marginalized for hearing

The Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) in conjunction with key Solomon Islands personnel, a team of experts from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (the Bureau), and Emergency Management Australia (EMA) carried out a week long assessment of the Solomon Island’s tsunami warning and mitigation system early February 2008...
Secretariat of the Pacific Community

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