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Siqijor Dawn, Philippines by flickr users preetamrai, creative commons noncommercial 2.0 generic
Scientists warn that the Philippines could experience famine by 2020 as a result of the impact of 'global warming' on natural resources. Filipinos call for more initiatives, global to local, including climate change adaptation strategies....
Manila Times Publishing Corp., the
photo by aliasgrace
In line with its commitment to support disaster risk reduction, the European Commission has allocated funds to improve the capacities of communities at risk in Central America, Central Asia and South East Asia...
European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)
Documents and publications

This topical report discusses the process, findings and progress of the implementation of the Megacity Indicators System (MIS or MEGA-Index) in Metro Manila, as one of the tools of the 3cd Program. Specifically, it contains the background, purpose

Documents and publications

This proceedings report contains an executive summary and session reports on four thematic areas: turning science into practice, disaster management master planning, promoting disaster risk reduction in cities - examples of programs, projects and sound

Documents and publications

This paper introduces a successful planning model and methodology for mainstreaming disaster risk management in megacities that has been under development since 2000 by EMI with global and city partners.
Metro Manila, Philippines, with a population of

Documents and publications

The country report and progress made following the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) is the collective effort of national government agencies, local government offices, non-government organizations, business groups, professional

Documents and publications

This publication provides 35 good practices and lessons learned as concrete examples of how to make children safer in their classrooms and educate them about disasters.

Documents and publications

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