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Documents and publications

Australia supports a holistic and integrated approach to disaster risk reduction within the context of sustainable development in the Asia Pasific region.

Documents and publications

Today the world is facing a greater water crisis than ever. Droughts of lesser magnitude are resulting in greater impact. Even in years with normal precipitation, water shortages have become widespread in both developing and developed nations, in humid as

Documents and publications

This publication is part of the series Hazards and Disasters that marks the conclusion of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) (1990-2000). Storms are fundamental to life on Earth. But their impacts on society (and environment)

Documents and publications
This book was produced to mark the end of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR). It provides solutions to problems associated with disasters, stimulating discussion and improvements in methods of protecting people and property.

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