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by Flickr user mauramercury / Maura D., Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0,
The Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas (NEAMTWS) will be tested on 10 August. The purpose is to ensure effective communication between regional and national centres and tsunami warning focal points...
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters
The consortium led by Wageningen University and the Institute of Water and Flood Management of the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology will assess and compare the strategies and policies of governments, professionals and communities with the aim of reducing flood risk and vulnerability in the Bangladeshi and Dutch Deltas...
Wageningen University
Documents and publications

The document serves the purpose of providing up to date information relating to National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction within the UNISDR Europe Region. To date 27 NPs have been officially nominated in UNISDR Europe Region. (Last updated 11

Documents and publications

This book targets the development of adaptation policy in European countries with different relations between central, regional and local government, asking how adaptation policy at different levels has emerged. Proceeding from a multi-level governance

The site provides transparency about the origin, amount, and use of funds going to developing countries to support action to fight climate change. The organizers hope that the website will provide as much transparency as possible about climate finance before the climate COP in Cancun in late November...
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Experts from the Ghanian National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Management, are visiting the Netherlands this week at the invitation of the International Center for Emergency Techniques, (ICET) and the Netherlands Government, to help develop an action plan...
Ghana News Agency
Policies and plans

This declaration was made at the 11th Trilateral Governmental Conference on the Protection of the Wadden Sea, by the Trilateral Wadden Sea Governmental Council (TWGC) and the ministers responsible for the protection of the Wadden Sea of the Netherlands

The partners adopted a management plan for the entire Wadden Sea region to support decisive action against a number of invasive alien species and in response to major challenges resulting from the effects of climate change in the coastal area (sea level rise, shore line protection, etc.)...
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

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