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Geologists from GNS Science will spend the next six months collecting information on buildings and infrastructure in Pacific Island countries to measure vulnerability and risk from earthquakes and cyclones in the southwest Pacific...
GNS Science
Geologists from GNS Science in New Zealand have announced their participation in a joint initiative to study buildings and infrastructure in Pacific Island countries aimed at measuring their vulnerability to natural hazards such as earthquakes and cyclones...
GNS Science
A month after the tsunamis that struck Samoa, Tonga and American Samoa, long term recovery programmes run by the New Zealand Red Cross, Samoa Red Cross and the IFRC are helping affected communities to build back better...
New Zealand Red Cross
A United Nations official just returned from visiting tsunami-battered islands in the Pacific Ocean today urged officials in the region to make sure they reduce their exposure to future disasters when they rebuild vital infrastructure...
United Nations News Centre
United Nations agencies are mobilizing to provide longer-term recovery aid to a raft of countries in Asia and the Pacific, where a relentless barrage of tropical storms, earthquakes and tsunamis have hit millions of people in recent days...
United Nations News Centre
Migration as an adaptive measure: Mohamed Nasheed, president of the Maldives, has spoken openly about moving all 370,000 residents to another country if, as looks likely, rising waters cover the islands, most of which are less than 1.5m above sea level...
The New Humanitarian
Photo of Samoa by Flikr user YXO, Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic
The Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Project (PACC) opened its inception training with over 50 participants coming together to discuss the administration and implementation of the US 13.125 Million dollar project that spans 13 countries...
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Documents and publications
This map illustrates Tonga's exposure to seismic, volcanic and tropical storm hazard.

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