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Stress-tolerant hybrids of already climate-resilient crops, like millet and sorghum, can improve yields. In Chad, farmers who planted the S35 variety of sorghum have decreased resource inputs by 33 percent and increased yields by 51 percent. Pearl millet and sorghum are also core crops in ICRISAT's framework to end poverty in West and Central Africa.
Food Tank
Documents and publications

This collection of case studies looks at practices that support the meaningful participation of women in resilience initiatives while also addressing structural inequalities.

Oxfam defines resilience as ‘the ability of women and men to realize their

Documents and publications

This report presents a synthesis of project-level final evaluations, carried out after three years of implementation of the BRACED programme. Using evidence provided by implementing partners, this report examines the following central synthesis evaluation

In parts of the world where grave gender inequality is already stark, droughts, floods and other extreme weather events mean women and girls are often among the last to receive help. For example, domestic violence impedes resilience building because it prevents those who survived violence to fulfil their basic needs and interests.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
The World Food Programme has enhanced its early warning systems through a Corporate Alert System, which enables the organisation to achieve a greater cross-functional understanding of risks that are external to the organisation. In the Sahel, the early warning analysis ensured that WFP was able to analyse risk factors that could worsen an already fragile situation.
World Food Programme
Documents and publications

This paper examines five innovations from the BRACED programme working with vulnerable Sahelian populations, drawing lessons for other farmer resilience-building efforts.

For farmers everywhere, and especially in the Sahel, innovation is a way of life

Documents and publications

In the context of increasing climate-related extreme events and other crises, the concept of adaptive social protection (ASP) has been recognized as a potentially effective policy response to reduce the impacts of these shocks and stressors on vulnerable

Policies and plans

Le présent CNGRA a pour objet d’estimer à l’avance l’ampleur des moyens nécessaires, tant pour la lutte préventive que pour faire face aux situations de crise, en précisant les moyens d’organisation et de coordination et en identifiant les situations dans

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