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Documents and publications

This country note is produced as part of The Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative (PCRAFI). The geographic spread of the Cook Islands poses logistical problems for any necessary post-disaster relief and response efforts. However

Cover and source: Government of Cook Islands
Policies and plans
This document records all current and planned climate change (CC) and disaster risk management (DRM) related activities in the Cook Islands and is designed to strengthen the country's resilience.
Documents and publications

Uncertainty about future climate creates challenges in both adaptation planning and evaluation. Defining and determining success in adaptation therefore can be difficult. This publication, however, does not attempt to address all of the issues and

Documents and publications

This new publication from the World Meteorological Organization provides a wide-ranging description of how small island States and territories in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific regions are using seasonal predictions and other climate information

Bridging the science of Meteorological Services with Pacific island communities to help them understand the technical aspects of weather related forecasts is just one of the many goals at the core of a project implemented across 14 Pacific islands.
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Documents and publications

This report explains the breadth of barriers facing businesses, in light of global estimates showing that the costs of climate change adaptation in developing countries will far exceed the public sector’s financial resources. These barriers include access

Documents and publications
This brochure summarises the current and expected future climate in the Cook Islands, based on the latest emissions scenarios and climate models.
The Cook Islands are fostering stronger partnerships to strengthen their disaster risk management. (Photo: Robert Linsdell/Flickr)
The 15,000 people of the Cook Islands, who inhabit 15 islands spread across an area of Pacific Ocean the size of Saudi Arabia, know from experience that a stronger and coordinated approach to disaster risk governance reduces distance and builds resilience.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific

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